Author Archives: Coordinate

We’re still with you!

There has been a lot of noise in the media regarding the recommendations from the Banking Royal Commission and we wanted to take the opportunity to let …read more

Budgeting on a fulfilling festive season

We’re at that time of the year again: the shopping centres are packed, you’re signing dozens of greeting cards, and your little ones have just handed you a ‘wish list’ …read more

Planning on a New Year’s revolution!

It happens every 31st of December. Millions of people all over the world promise themselves to improve at least one important aspect of their lives and make it their New …read more

Christmas shut down period

Once the calendar ticks over to December, the days start flying by and our calendars fill up with end-of-year catch ups and events, Christmas shopping and holiday preparations, it really …read more

Royal Australian Mint launches treasure hunt

The Royal Australian Mint have set Australians a treasure hunt challenge, by secretly distributing three million $1 coins each stamped with either an “A”, “U” or “S” underneath the body …read more

Waramanga suburb record smashed!

38 Yiman Street Waramanga set the new suburb record in November, after it sold for $1.225 million, exceeding the record by $225,000. The previous suburb record was held on the …read more

Welcome to Whitlam

The first residents of Canberra’s latest suburb release, Whitlam, are expected to move in by 2020, with capital works, including water, roads and traffic infrastructure already completed and 500 dwelling …read more

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